Swansons Stories

Just Hatched 2015: The Lettuce Is Always Greener…

Just Hatched 2015: The Lettuce Is Always Greener…

Note: This blog is best when served at room temperature.  Well, the girls seem to be happy and healthy, getting bigger every day. In fact, if I could write as quickly as they grow, I’d be a real Ernest Hemingway!  The chicks are experimenting with some new additions to their diet, and lettuce is on the top of the list. We’re not sure whether it’s the excitement of ripping it to shreds or the thrill of chasing whoever has some in their beak that is the most rewarding for the ladies.

Just Hatched 2015: A Swansons Chick Update

Just Hatched 2015: A Swansons Chick Update

So here we are again my friends, but you know what they say about birds of a feather, right? Beyond the cardboard wall big things are afoot for our intrepid little brood. The chicks are literally growing like weeds so we've recently opened things up to give the girls more room to move about. We don't want them feeling too "cooped up" (pun intended)!

The Story of Swansons

The Story of Swansons

It was a good year. It was also a milestone year, as we celebrated Swansons’ 90th year of business in Seattle! It's a bit hard to imagine what life was like when August and Selma Swanson and their three children arrived here to make a new start. Seattle, like much of the United States in the early 1920s, was a place of optimism and upheaval.