A Look Back at 2017

So much has happened over the past year at Swansons! It was a year full of fun, projects, and community. We want to thank you - our amazing customers - for making it such a great year! 

Here are some of the highlights of 2017, in pictures:

Projects at Swansons and in the Community

We love to get out into the community to meet our neighbors and help create beautiful spaces and new generations of gardeners. We also take on projects at home and at the nursery. 2017 was no exception, with several "planting parties," one of our own in the Ballard Edible Garden Tour, a Holiday Sharing Campaign for the Ballard Food Bank, and a new Pollinator Garden at the nursery.

Swansons Kids' Program

Our Kids' Program ramped up in 2017 with monthly activities that were a huge hit with kids and parents alike. 2018 will be another fun year for the newly-named Kids' Club, with more activities than ever. Did you attend a kids' activity session in 2017? Which project was your favorite?

Our Employees

Working at Swansons is always an adventure. We strive to create a community where we work hard, recognize each others' talents, get creative, and have fun. We couldn't do what we do without the talented and passionate individuals that make up our team, from customer service to receiving to carry-out to office staff.

Events and Happenings

There are always lots of things going on at Swansons, from our "Summer Nights" charity events to Fall Festival, holiday festivities, and beyond. This year we supported Whole Kids Foundation at Family Night, Teen Feed at Ladies' Night Out, Seattle Tilth at Fall Festival, and the Ballard Food Bank at our holiday party, where guests got to enjoy a photo session with two of Santa's elves. Find out about upcoming events on our What's Happening page.

Furry, Feathery, and Scaly Visitors

Making Swansons a fun place for families is important to us and hosting visiting and permanent animals creates moments of magic and learning throughout the year. We also love to see our customers bring their friendly pets with them - we even have a "Dogs of Swansons" page on Facebook!

Swansons Through the Seasons

It seems like Swansons changes every day, with new flowers blooming and new surprises around every corner. We think Swansons is a truly special place and we hope you do too, but sometimes, we get so busy, we can take our surroundings for granted. Our intention for 2018? Stop and take a look at all the beauty around us. For more photos of Swansons, follow our Instagram page.

Thank you so much for taking a look back at 2017 with us. We are excited to continue to grow and provide the exceptional experience our customers know us for. We look forward to partnering with you in 2018!

What's your favorite memory of 2017? Share with us by commenting on this blog post or by posting on our Facebook wall, and on Twitter and Instagram with #heyswansons.


* We'd like to thank our customers and partners for sharing their photos of Swansons with us personally or on social media. The starred captions are photos by the following (in order of appearance): Compass Housing Alliance, @amcdrmtt, @bradleyoliverwilkinson, @totesandthecity, @toofypie, @tinkandbent, @jenny_zuanich, @adamrg, @suddenlyalexx