
Figuring Out Fertilizer

Figuring Out Fertilizer

Perusing the fertilizer shelves at Swansons (or any garden store) can feel overwhelming at first. So many choices! So many specialties! Do I really need fertilizer? Will my plant survive if I don’t find the perfect fertilizer match? And what do all those numbers mean??? Don’t worry, you’ll find answers here.

Spring Lawn Care

Spring Lawn Care

After months of rainy and grey days, we are thrilled to see the sunshine once more (even if it’s just or a day or two here and there) and anticipating even more beautiful weather to come. While the call of the flower garden is strong, don’t forget to give your lawn some much needed TLC this spring as well. Taking time to care for your lawn will set you up for success later in the year. We would like to share a few tips to get your lawn ready for the upcoming season.